UMS download page, click the link below and then the link for Download Universal Media Server Linux 6.7.4 which is a self-contained archive file, right click that and extract here which creates a folder, move that to your home folder, then just double-click the "UMS.sh" script file within that folder to run the program. These are Java based applications, so you must have a Java runtime installed which it usually is in any edition of Linux Mint. In fact, my movies and videos actually play better using this than if I copied the movie files to a USB stick and plugged that directly into my Smart Blu-Ray DVD player. Both are excellent, easy to install and use very little computer resources. You can use the superb PS3 Media Server or its more updated fork "UMS" Ultimate Media Server. This is super easy if all you want to do is stream multimedia content from your computer to any UPnP/DLNA compatible device like a PS4, Smart TV's, TV sticks, Smart Blu-Ray DVD players, game consoles, smart phones, other computers, etc.